In our almost 50 years experience taking students ALL OVER THE WORLD, we can’t recall a time when we were more excited about these student trip packages we’ve put together:
And, we have other trips you can sell as well:
We’re looking for you – the Professional Travel Advisor to introduce these great trips to schools in your area and state! And – we have put together the MOST COMPELLING SALES PACKAGE to make it easy for you to engage, introduce, and ultimately sell these trips. Take a look at the “TOP 10 BENEFITS” we’ve put together for you
You sell 1 trip to the “organizer”… and let them sell 15 trips so THEY GO FOR FREE!! It’s set up to GET OTHERS TO SELL FOR YOU! And you get $$ for every trip sold!
With so many cruise cancellations of this spring, parents are going to want to have “Cancellation Insurance”. Nervous parents – relax. We got you.
We have 2 “Agent Packages” with ESCALATING benefits – AND – commisions as you go up. Check out our Gold and Basic packages below
We’ve spared NO EXPENSE in producing 90 second compelling videos for each of our Student Cruise Trips… Talk is cheap – see for yourself! (SAMPLES BELOW)
We provide you PRE-DESIGNED, PRE-WORDED, compelling emails… Just send our GREAT EMAILS! We made it Simple.
Each of our “targeted cruise trips” have separate, colorful PDF brochures allowing the prospects to EASILY get excited about their upcoming trip! Simple.
We ALSO give you a private “back- end” dedicated “Travel Agent Portal” to make it easy to book your trips. Everything is done online. Convenient.
We’ve designed your selling process to be SIMPLE. And – we include a SALES MANUAL to walk you step- by-step through the entire process. Simple.
We do NOT require an adult to be staying in each room. We are the ONLY STUDENT CRUISE COMPANY who can say that! We have our OWN adult supervision.
We hope you’re starting to see a pattern: We’ve ALREADY done all of the marketing – we just need you to connect with the prospects! Again, SIMPLE